Abortion, An Obsession of the American Democratic Party

Source: FSSPX News

Due to opposition from the Democratic Party, the United States Senate rejected—shortly before the various states’ confinements due to the coronavirus epidemic—two bills that sought to protect the rights of the unborn child. The United States Conference of Bishops (USCCB) reacted by expressing its dismay.

"Today, each senator will have to express his position clearly,” warned Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, on February 25, 2020, who proposed to bills for examination to his colleagues.

The first aimed to prohibit and make illegal a possible abortion beyond twenty weeks. The second - known as the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act - proposed to guarantee the rights of enfants born alive after a failed abortion attempt, and who are often victims of more or less disguised infanticide after their birth.

Although the Republicans currently have an absolute majority in the Senate - 53 seats out of 100 senators - the intricacies of the legislative process are such that in case of a “filibuster,” or obstruction, a bill must gather in its favor the qualified majority of 60 votes, to be retained.

Overwhelmingly in favor of abortion, the Democrats thwarted the project: a positioning that could further orient the Christian electorate towards Donald Trump during the presidential election next November.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) was quick to respond with the voice of Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Archbishop of Kansas City and chair of the Bishops’ Conference Committee on Pro-Life Activities.

“It is appalling that even one senator, let alone more than 40, voted to continue the brutal dismemberment of nearly full-grown infants, and voted against protecting babies who survive abortion,” Naumann said in a news release published on the USCCB website. “Our nation is better than this, and the majority of Americans who support these bills must make their voices heard,” he added.