District Newsletter
The District Newsletter keeps you up to date on the latest news and events around parishes and schools. Read how the District is developing as well as practical and spiritual exhortations from the superior himself.
November 2021 - Letter to Friends and Benefactors: "Morality of vaccines"
One of the burning questions of today is that of vaccines. Many of the priests have been responding to various questions and I would like to use this letter to respond to some of the most common questions.
September 2021 - District Superior's Letter: “From Sea to Sea"
In this month’s letter, I would like to present to you some news from our seven priories across the country where twenty-four priests, four brothers and five oblate sisters make up the community of Society of St. Pius X members devoted to the preservation of the Mass, the priesthood and the salvation of souls.
June 2021 - District Superior's Letter: “Humility Month"
June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is not a sentimental devotion but soundly based on a double reason: first, that the heart is the universal symbol of love and second, the Heart of Jesus is personally “hypostatically” united to God. This means that the Heart of Jesus is in fact God’s Heart. So, what is the attitude of God’s Heart? Vengeful and unforgiving? No, it is supremely merciful and anxious to have sinners return to life. “I came to call sinners to penance.” (cf. Lk. 5, 32)
April 2021 - District Superior's Letter: “in his image and likeness.”
God is the life of our soul.
March 2021 - District Superior's Letter: Keeping up with the Joneses
Keeping up with the Joneses “Be not conformed to this world.” (Rom. 12, 2)
February 2021 - District Superior's Letter: Be not Afraid with their Fear
Be not Afraid with their Fear “But if also you suffer any thing for justice' sake, blessed are ye. And be not afraid of their fear, and be not troubled.” (I Pet. 3, 14)
January 2021 - District Superior's Letter: A Totalitarian State
A Totalitarian State Throughout Canada over the past year, governments have made laws restricting and forbidding the attendance of Catholics at Mass and of non-Catholics at their various worships.
December 2020 - District Superior's Letter: 50 year Anniversary
When Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre set up the Society of St. Pius X fifty years ago, the world was scandalised. “Schism in Switzerland!” was the headline in the newspapers; “The Rebel Archbishop!” sniffed the Pharisees; “Wildcat seminary” sneered the bishops.