Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine, Cudworth, SK. May 29, 2021
Ordination to the Subdiaconate in Zaitzkofen - 2021
Tonsure at the Dillwyn Seminar - February 2, 2021
Taking of cassock in Flavigny - 2021
Taking of cassock and tonsure in Zaitzkofen - February 2, 2021
Father Normandin, a true pastor of souls
Archbishop Lefebvre and the Sisters of the Society of Saint Pius X
Blessing of the new Altar Cross of the Seminary of La Reja
19 Men Take the Cassock, October 2020
Battle of Lepanto
Golden Jubilee - Transfer of the mortal remains of Archbishop Lefebvre
Taking of the Cassock at La Reja Seminary
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ordination to the priesthood - June 29, 2020
Ceremony of Groundbreaking at Site of New Immaculata - Saint Marys, Kansas
First Masses 2020
Ordinations to the Priesthood and Diaconate on June 6, 2020
Feast of Pentecost
Easter Saturday Ordinations at Ecône
The Resurrection
Chrismal and Vesperal Mass 2020
Saint Jean Bosco
The Spanish Flu in the US