An "Amazon Synod" for Germany

Source: FSSPX News

As soon as the Amazon Synod (October 6-27, 2019) ended, two statements from German-speaking priests illustrated, as if it were necessary, the dominating influence of the countries on the banks of the Rhine on this synod.

In their final document, the synod fathers opened the door to the ordination of married men and women’s access to certain ministries. On November 5, the vicars general of ten German dioceses have stated, in an open letter, that a “fundamental reform is essential”: “we expect that the results of the synodal path will change our practice significantly,” they write, without neglecting to specify: “we want, and are open to, such changes. Moreover, we are ready as administrative managers in our dioceses, together with our bishops, to implement reform decisions.” This open letter appeared on the eve of the German “synodal path” which will last two years.

During these two years, the progressive laity of the ZdK (Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken) will work in close collaboration with the German bishops. The ZdK openly supports the end of priestly celibacy and the ordination of women.

On November 8, more than 2,000 people signed the online petition “Amazonian auch bei un!” (The Amazon also at home!) which demands, in the German-speaking areas, the priestly ordination of married men and the female diaconate. This petition, initiated by Paul Zulehner, priest and former professor of pastoral theology at the University of Vienna, does not speak of the ordination of “viri probati” (married men who have proven themselves), but of “personæ probatæ,” so as to be able to include women.

The Spanish-language site InfoVaticana on October 23 rightly pointed out the paradox of this “synod on the Amazon, intended to answer, in reality, the pastoral and doctrinal demands of Germany and other churches of the Old World.”

It is clear that the synod on the Amazon did not end on October 27, but will continue its destructive work with the German “synodal path.” The Amazon was only a tactical detour, the synod returns to its Germanic source to prepare a Church with a “Germanazonia face,” that of a wooden Pachamama contemplating with empty eyes married priests and women deacons.

Until a new St. Polyeucte arises and rejects the syrupy neo-paganism and sticky syncretism:

Carry to your Pagans, carry to your idols

The poisoned sugar that spreads your words.

A Christian fears nothing, hides nothing:

In the eyes of the world he is always a Christian.

Fr. Alain Lorans