An Apple with a Bitter Taste

Source: FSSPX News

On July 1, 2019, Apple’s information platform removed the contents of the LifeSite channel, without any prior notice. The pro-life media responded by launching a petition that collected more than 20,000 signatures in just 24 hours.

Woe to the one who does not share the values ​​of the Apple: LifeSite, an American pro-life news site, learned on July 1, 2019 that all of its content was removed and blocked from the Apple News application.

Apple News is the world's first news and information application with more than 5 billion articles read per month, according to Apple CEO Tim Cook. This platform offers a selection of articles from the headlines of the press that meet its ideological standards: promotion of globalism and the fight against all forms of discrimination.

LifeSiteNews is accused of intolerance by Apple because this Christian site defends natural morality and does not participate in the propaganda favoring of homosexuality. John-Henry Westen, its editor in chief, stated that Apple’s decision is “frightening” from a “rather left-oriented” society that censors conservative views even when shared by a majority of citizens .

To fight what he sees as “blatant censorship of freedom of expression,” LifeSite launched an online petition that has collected more than 20,000 signatures in twenty-four hours. As of the 1st of August there were 35,000 signatories.

The petition yielded results. On August 6, 2019 the Apple News team informed LifeSite that they have “re-evaluated” its channel. LifeSite's channel and articles are once again available on the Apple News application.