A Canadian Catholic Gives a Testimonial of Gratitude towards the FSSPX

Source: FSSPX News

The Church of Sainte-Jeanne d’Arc in Sherbrooke.

In the correspondence section of Quebec newspaper La Tribune on January 23, 2018, this moving expression of gratitude from Denis Côté of Montreal was published, on the restoration of the traditional liturgy at the church of Sainte Jeanne d’Arc in Sherbrooke, recently acquired by the Society of Saint Pius X.

It was with joy that I attended the Traditional Mass this December 8th—feast of the Immaculate Conception—at the church of Sainte Jeanne d’Arc on rue Galt, in Sherbrooke.

Thanks to the Society of Saint Pius X, this church has returned to its first vocation, that of the most venerable Catholic liturgy. I thank its devoted priests and their superior, Fr. Daniel Couture, Sherbrookian by birth and an old friend.

Built in 1940 – 41 by Fr. Alfred Chassé to plans drawn up by architect Jean Royer, this Dom Bellot-style temple is now once again welcoming faithful who are attached to our profound religious values. I noticed the comforting presence of young families in the well-filled and recollected nave.

Sober and dignified, the choir interpreted the beautiful Gregorian chant with artistry. I was brought back to the Mass of my early childhood, below the vaulted ceiling at once modern and elegant, perfumed with incense. The rich colors of the stain-glass windows, dedicated to St. Louis and St. Joan, added to the beauty of the place. So many working families have prayed within these walls, raised by hard work and generous faith. It is fortunate that this monument to Sherbrooke’s heritage has been preserved and saved from secular use.

Its proud bell-tower stands at the foot of Mont Bellevue like a lighthouse in the city. I hope the young students of Sherbrooke will thus rediscover the grandeur of the Faith. And the echo of the magnificent bell of Sainte-Jeanne d’Arc, blessed in former times by Bishop Cabana, will sound out the goodness and the largesse of the Lord.