Jubilee of the Society of Saint-Pius X in Saint-Michel-en-Brenne

The day after the consecration of their church in Saint-Michel-en-Brenne, the SSPX Sisters celebrated with dignity the 50 years of the Society in the new building dedicated to divine worship.
The Church of St. Cyran, all polished and gleaming with its consecration the day before, celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Society in an exceptional way; indeed, we have the grace to have within our walls Bishop de Galarreta, First Assistant of the Society and Ecclesiastical Superior of the congregation, who, the day before, consecrated the church, Fr. Bouchacourt, Second Assistant, and Fr. Foucauld le Roux, secretary general.
During the solemn Mass, in a sermon for the occasion, Bishop de Galarreta retraces the admirable figure of Archbishop Lefebvre and shows how our common Founder knew how to practice all the virtues, even those which, apparently, seem to be opposing virtues, such as humility and magnanimity, strength and gentleness, etc.
At the end of the Mass, it is with a soul filled with thanksgiving that all the voices united in a wholehearted singing of “Sancte Pie decime”!
It was Archbishop Lefebvre himself who bought the Saint-Michel-en-Brenne property with the idea of it becoming the Motherhouse of the Sisters of the Society of Saint Pius X. 50 years after the founding of the Society of Saint Pius X, the number of sisters in the congregation stands at 206. May our venerated Founder deign to bless and multiply the small family of his daughters who, throughout the world, strive to support the priests of the priestly Society with their prayers and works.
God, give us many holy priests!
And, for your priests and for souls, give us many holy religious vocations!
Ad multos annos!