New Rosary Crusade Announced by Superior General for the Mass & Vocations

19 Men Take the Cassock - October, 2020: St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary
Fr. Davide Pagliarani, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X, has asked members of the SSPX, as well as faithful and friends to embark on a rosary crusade with the special intentions of freeing the Mass and gaining Vocations: November 21, 2020 (Feast of the Presentation) - April 1st, 2021 (Holy Thursday)
Rosary Crusade Tally Sheet / Form >>
Dear members of the Society, my dear faithful and friends.
This is an energetic and passionate appeal to all of you, and to all those to whom you can pass on this request: "Let us unite our forces to obtain from Heaven the unconditional freedom to celebrate Holy Mass publicly and to attend it!" The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is what we hold most dear to our hearts. May it once again be celebrated with complete freedom: it contains the solution to all evils, to all illnesses and to all fears.
To this we add another equally important prayer intention: vocations! Let us all pray, let us beg Heaven to send many labourers into the Lord's vineyard. We need many holy priests. Our seminaries must always be full! Souls are hungry and there are not enough priests to satisfy their needs.
Can we remain insensitive to the current situation? Our Lord has promised us: "Every one that asks, receives; and to him that knocks, it shall be opened". (Matt. 7:8) Let us therefore do our part. Graces are only obtained if they are asked for with insistence.
My dear friends, I therefore invite each and every one of you: both the young and the old; lay people and those consecrated to God, I implore you to join this Prayer Crusade for the Mass and for Vocations. The Crusaders set out to deliver the tomb of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us set out to deliver the treasure of Christ the King - His testimony of love!
When will we embark on this Crusade? On November 2lst, Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the temple.
Who will be the Commander in Chief of this Crusade? She who stood at the foot of the Cross and to whom it was said: "Woman, behold thy son!" She who is therefore responsible for taking care of us, whose heart is so good and whose power of intercession is infallible!
What weapon will we use? The one given to us from Heaven: the Holy Rosary. A weapon that is easy to obtain, easy to handle, of immense effectiveness on the Heart of God and which routs the devil, the sworn enemy of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and of priests!
When will this Crusade end? On Holy Thursday (April 1st 2021), the day we commemorate the institution of both the Mass and the Catholic priesthood - the two things we hold most dear.
To whom will we deliver the results of this Crusade? To the Blessed Virgin Mary, herself. Each district will organise the collection of individual results and forward them to the General House, in due course.
If Heaven, through the intervention of Our Lady, offers us the possibility, the Society will organise a spectacular pilgrimage of thanksgiving to Lourdes, in October 2021.
May God bless you and may He bless your generosity!
Menzingen, November 11th, 2020, on the Feast of Saint Martin of Tours,
Don Davide Pagliarani
Superior General
SSPX General House - - 11/11/2020