New seminary video: To form future priests

Source: District of the USA

Watch the new seminary video made during the 2015 priestly ordinations at Winona.

From the 2015 priestly ordinations held at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, MN, we offer a video about the priesthood and thereby the importance of the New Seminary Project taking place in Dillwyn, VA: To form future priests.

The 4-minute video features 12 short interviews with inspiring words about the importance of the priesthood and how the SSPX's apostolic work to form priests serves the hope and future of the Catholic Church. Below are some extracted video quotes.

The seminary is all about forming priests. We're a priestly society, we take care of faithful, we take care of parishes, but we need priests to do that.

Of all the projects that we could possibly do in the Society, this new seminary is the most important project.

The formation of the seminarians, which is the formation of the priests, is the formation of the officers of the Church. When you support the formation of the seminarians, you support the building of the Church.

It's fitting, perfectly fitting, that we do all we can, all our best, to build seminaries, and to form vocations, to form future priests, the future of the Church.

The seminary project, is for us the perfect realization of the Archbishop's [Lefebvre] spirit, which was full of hope—and a magnanimous spirit. To put the light on the hilltop, so that all may see, and be attracted, by this beacon of light which is the place where priests are made.

In addition to the live interviews and footage of the recent priestly ordinations, the video also shows some archival film clips of Archbishop Lefebvre during the SSPX's early years.

For more information about the New Seminary Project, visit the website!