Pilgrim Virgin visit follow up

Source: District of Canada

Catholics who visited the Pilgrim Virgin during its visit to Winnipeg give moving testimonies of their experience.

As reported before, Our Lady of Fatima pilgrim statue recently visited Our Lady of the Rosary in Winnipeg, under the priestly care of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). The statue made a special visit to Winnipeg, as part of her two-year pilgrimage visiting SSPX churches, schools and chapels across America.

The following are just a handful of the moving testimonies of Catholics living in Winnipeg and other parts of Manitoba who answered the call of Our Mother. They are quite representative, and capture the essence and spiritual graces received for four consecutive days by more than 500 faithful who came to pray to Our Lady of Fatima.

That visit will remain in the hearts of hundreds of Catholics and their families as one of the most memorable, touching and moving experiences in their lives.

Moving testimonies of the faithful

“One of the most spiritually uplifting events we’ve attended was held at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Winnipeg. To see throngs of people converging to pay homage to Our Lady — people of many different ethnic origins; people with handicaps and with handicapped children; people braving heat, and overcrowding and lengthy services; people with tear-filled eyes and countenances rapt in tender devotion and awe; people caught up in heavenly devotion — this was that rare experience that raises one above the mundane to a meeting place of souls on fire with the love of God and devotion to His Most Holy Mother — a place which nothing on earth can rival.”

“This three-day visit was filled with divine inspiration. The Blessed Virgin is truly the Star of the Sea. She drew devotees from near and far by the number. The church was overflowing with attendees during the Sunday Mass on July 26. Even after Mass the stream of devotees did not stop. I cannot help but notice and feel the overwhelming respect, love and faith to our Lady.”

“The Blessed Mother called to her children in Winnipeg and Manitoba communities to come and honor her at our Lady of the Rosary Church.  It was very edifying to see so many people; men, women, teenagers, children, and families coming before her to show their devotion and love.”

“I feel the Virgin Mary is asking me to continue going to the Traditional Mass. When I was told that the statue of Our Lady of Fatima pilgrim statue was coming to Winnipeg, I knew I had to be there and that I had to let Our Mother know in some way that I love Her and that I want to obey Her and that I really want to feel I am close to Her. I believe that the Latin or Traditional Mass is a blessing, a great treasure that I’d like those I know and care about to know about it and enjoy. I noticed people coming from other parishes. During Mass on Saturday and Sunday I saw many people crying, especially when the priest talked about Our Lady and about the importance we must place in our lives to receiving Holy Communion with absolute reverence. I think the arrival of the pilgrim statue meant a lot for those who came to the parish and this occasion will be remembered as a very important date to think of Our Lady.”