Pilgrimages to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Beauvoir 2019

Source: District of Canada

More than 80 pilgrims made a pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Beauvoir on Sunday, August 25, 2019.

After Sunday Mass, pilgrims walked from Sainte Jeanne-d'Arc Church in Sherbrooke to the Sanctuary dedicated to the Sacred Heart located on the top of a hill outside Sherbrooke.  

The route led pilgrims through part of the city of Sherbrooke before reaching the Beauvoir sanctuary in the afternoon. Two stops during the 10 km walk allowed participants to recharge their batteries and meet each other. It was beautiful to see the families and many children, even at an early age.  

Pilgrims came mainly from the church of Sherbrooke and the chapel of Notre-Dame-des-Bois, but were also represented the chapels of Saint-Césaire and Montreal, and even Lévis. 

Upon arrival at the sanctuary, the traditional group photo was taken. Then, the faithful filled the benches and alleys of the small chapel of the shrine, to recite the litanies and the prayer of consecration to the Sacred Heart. The pilgrimage ended with the blessing of the participants. 

The sanctuary of Beauvoir

In 1917, a gigantic statue of the Sacred Heart was erected and since then Catholics have made it a habit to climb to the foot of the statue to pray. After the construction of the small stone chapel in 1920, more and more pilgrims went to the Beauvoir sanctuary reciting the rosary. 

Every year, the Society of Saint Pius X organizes a pilgrimage to honour the Sacred Heart and perpetuate this tradition. Since the acquisition of the Church of Sainte Jeanne-d'Arc in 2017, pilgrims have been walking from the church to the sanctuary. 

Mass is celebrated every Sunday at Sainte Jeanne-d'Arc Church at 11:00 am. 

Church of Sainte Jeanne-d'Arc

1000 Galt West 

Sherbrooke, QC 

J1H 1Z8 

T: +1 450 390 1323