Pray for Friday's ordinands

Source: District of the USA

Ordinations to the priesthood and diaconate for the SSPX will take place this Friday at Winona, MN.

As we recently announced, 4 priests and 4 deacons will be ordained this Friday, June 12 (the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, MN.

Currently in the houses of the Society of St. Pius X, a novena to the Holy Ghost is being offered, and we ask our readers to join our prayers for the perseverance and sanctification of these young Levites as they take another step in the sacrament of holy orders.

At the seminary's website (, you can find a schedule of liturgies outlining the ceremonies that will take place starting with first Vespers of the Sacred Heart on Thursday evening, to the First Masses that will be offered at the seminary on Saturday and Sunday. The seminary has also published the list of the other First Masses that will take place in various chapels of the SSPX.

St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary also has just published its newsletter, Ad Orientem; entitled "Planting for the Future", it details some of the ongoing work at the new seminary.