Secularization kills the Faith in Québec

Source: District of Canada

Hedonism and an age of emptiness, a spiritual void is the fate of Catholic societies who reject Christ the King.

In Québec, the movement towards secularization has become a war against all public expressions of religion, particularly against the public manifestation of the Catholic faith. Elsewhere, Muslims kills Catholics. Here in Quebec, we kill them more delicately: through silence, that is, by denying them the right to publically express their faith. Under the guise of enlightened liberalism, the “Mouvement laïque Québécois”, which has strong ties with the freemasonry, strives to secularize society by outlawing all expressions of religion in the public square, relegating them to the private space of the family home.

In the former Soviet Union, secularization was brutally imposed by the Communist authorities. Stalin, for example, destroyed hundreds of churches and killed thousands of monks in their monasteries. In addition to these atrocities, he sent millions of Russians to the deadly labor camps of Siberia in an attempt to wipe out every trace of religion. Yet after 70 years of state-sponsored atheism, Christianity is being reborn in Russia from the ashes of persecution.

Here in Québec, Christians remain silent while other religious confessions take root. Their silence gives place to false creeds. Yet what is stopping Roman Catholics, who possess the full truth, from ending their silence and from reclaiming a prominent, even leading place in society? They are afraid to do so because secular society has convinced them that religion is the source of all evils. We witness daily the fruits of their timorous faith, and poor Québec is drained of her Christian heritage. Québec, traditionally a Catholic region, has freed itself from its faith and from its past. It now looks to a new saviour: the movement for political independence. Yet in this too it has been thwarted and grows disillusioned. What remains then for Québec? Hedonism and an age of emptiness, a spiritual void. Such is the fate of Catholic societies who reject Christ the King.