Dear Readers,
Welcome to this first renewed edition of Convictions. Many of you will be familiar with the name, as it was our previous SSPX newsletter for English speaking Canada. We present to you once again this newsletter, albeit newly sized and formatted, but still filled with the same age-old doctrine and interesting news from the district of Canada. Although more compact we hope this small publication will provide you with some spiritual and intellectual food for thought, and help inform and unify the world’s largest district, through the sharing of news from our various priories. In the magazine, you will also find news particular to the district such as upcoming retreats, pilgrimages, camps, etc. On the last pages can be found lists of our priories and resident priests and religious. You will also find payment and subscription details towards the end of the publication. Please note that the publication is free but any donations towards the work will be happily received as it is not cheap to produce. Please be aware that there is also a French version of this publication called the “Carillon.” Both versions will contain similar practical information and news but may vary in the content of other articles. They will both be published quarterly. I am happy to be the new editor of Convictions and able to serve my country in this way, after having spent many years abroad in my studies in the U.S.A. and priestly assignments in England. We cannot but offer this work to Our Lady in the times we live and pray that she watch over and have compassion on Canada. We hail her as star of the sea “Ave Maris Stella” as did the French Acadians, who chose this hymn as their national anthem when they first landed on these shores. We also lay the work at the feet of our venerable patron Pope St. Pius X.
God bless you all,
Fr. Lawrence Barrett Winnipeg May 2022
Contents Summer Edition 2022:
- 1 Editorial
- 2 Letter from the Publisher
- 7 A Prophet Named Shining Shirt
- 12 Bearing the Guilt for Deaths of Children in Residential Schools
- 17 Christian Decorum and Civility
- 20 District News
- 27 Upcoming Events
- 34 Priory Information
- A Prophet Named Shining Shirt
- Rob Lorens - Residential Schools: Bearing the Guilt for the Deaths of Children in Residential Schools
- Jean-Baptiste Canayen - Christian Decorum And Civility
- Jesus Angel Miguel Garcia
- Canadian Religious Vocations
- Winnipeg, MB - "The Heart of the Continent"
- Langley, British Columbia
- Levis, Quebec - "St. Joseph's Day"
How to Read Convictions:
Pick up the latest copy at your Canadian SSPX Mass center or
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