During this month of October let us reflect that Our Lady is the victory of God. Please pray your Rosary well. Next month is the month of the poor souls and so mass envelopes will be placed upon our altars for this intention. Please donate to our schools in Wilmot and Levis who need urgent aid.
Dear faithful,
Our Lady is the victory of God
Father Calmel wrote in 1960 that the Blessed Virgin Mary is “the victory of God, the all-powerful demonstration of His brightness and of His mercy”. “You just have to look at Her to understand that God is the most powerful”, he added.
What a delightful, comforting and encouraging saying! During this month of October dedicated to the Rosary, consecrated to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, it is particularly appropriate to remember that Our Lady is the victory of God, the undeniable, luminous proof of God’s superiority and that we can and must put all our confidence in Her.
The Rosary, a powerful weapon
The devotion to the Most Holy Rosary is, without any doubt, the best means to protect us from the spiritual dangers of our time: “The Rosary will save the world”, prophesied Pope Pius IX and Pope Pius XII added “We do not hesitate to affirm again publicly that we place great confidence in the Holy Rosary for the healing of the evils of our times”. The Rosary seems to be so little, so ordinary. However, it is almighty, a source of so many benefits. It is through it that we can hope to cure today’s heresies and other evils. It is the Rosary, which shall be always and for every one of us the best way to preserve and strengthen our faith and increase piety in our hearts.
The Holy Rosary will be also the means to renew in our hearts an unfailing confidence in God’s victory over all those who fight against Him. We have no reason to be discouraged, as we know that “in the end Her Immaculate Heart shall triumph”.
I would like, therefore, through this letter, to invite you to be very generous in praying the Holy Rosary during this month of October as well as every day of your life.
Envelopes for the poor souls upon our altars during November
And as the month of November is forthcoming, it is also for the release and the relief of the poor souls in purgatory that our prayers will be raised. You will find enclosed the November envelopes. Write the names of your dearly departed whom you wish to be remembered during the Masses in November and send them back to us. These envelopes will be placed on the altar during the entire month and the souls mentioned on them will be especially remembered at each Mass.
60000$ raised so far for Wilmot
I would also like to thank you for your help towards our schools. Thanks to your generosity all across Canada and to the different fund-raisers organized in Ontario, we have gathered $60,000.00 for our school project in Wilmot, Ontario. It was the objective for which we targeted since a generous benefactor had promised us to match that amount. It allows us to start the repair of the roof and other renovation works should follow.
35000$ needed for Holy Family School
We had the joy of obtaining the renewal of the teaching permit at Holy Family School (Levis, Quebec) and some works were done to the facade last summer. Father de l’Estourbeillon called recently because $35,000.00 is necessary for the beginning of this year. In Welwyn (Saint Michael’s Academy), we are about to put up a trailer near the church to help with the classes. It had become too difficult to give all the lessons in only the basement of the church. And other projects are being studied, especially the enlarging of our Calgary school, Saint John Bosco School.
In thanking you for your prayers, your help and support, especially towards the Saint-Joseph Bursary Fund but also with all of these projects, which prepare the future of Catholic Tradition in Canada, I entreat you to be assured of my prayers, and to receive my blessing.
Fr. Arnaud Rostand
District Superior of Canada