Rosa Mystica: At the Summit, Always Higher
Scapulars and stethoscopes at Ili-Ilihon
Saint Ignatius
Fr. Gomis' visit to Toronto - November 17, 2019
Re-roofing of the Sainte Jeanne d'Arc church in Sherbrooke completed
Holy Mass by Father Mac Gillivray at the Church of Transfiguration - Toronto
Procession of Our Lady of Fatima at the Church of Transfiguration - Toronto
Canadian Martyr's Shrine Pilgrimage 2019
Holy Shroud of Turin specialist visits Toronto
Pilgrimages to the Sacred Heart of Beauvoir 2019
2019 Ordination to the Subdiaconate, Minor Orders and Tonsure
Renovation of the roof of Sainte Jeanne d'Arc Church in Sherbrooke
Graduation Ceremony at Massena 2019
OLMCA 2019 Graduating Class
Solemnity of Corpus Christi at Christ the King Church, Langley
Solemnity of Corpus Christi at Holy Face of Jesus Church, St-Catherines
5 Ordained at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary - June 21, 2019
Pentecost Sunday at Church of the Transfiguration, Toronto
A great day of work at St. Joan of Arc church, Sherbrooke
Marian Procession in Winnipeg - May 19th 2019
The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Church of the Transfiguration, Toronto.
Mass of the 4th Sunday after Easter in Saint-Césaire
Visit of the District Superior to Lévis