Canadian Church Wary of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace

Source: FSSPX News

The organization celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2017

Cardinal Thomas Collins, archbishop of Toronto, following the example of several other Canadian bishops, has decided to block the funds raised by the diocesan “ShareLife” collection to benefit the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP).

This association is accused of helping agencies that promote deadly ideologies throughout the world.

The ShareLife campaign that finances several charity organizations, gave 800,000 Canadian dollars to CCODP in 2017. This year, the archdiocese will withhold the funds donated until further notice.

This decision came after the revelations by LifeSite claiming that the international Catholic help organization is associated with 40 agencies in developing countries that are pro-abortion, birth control, homosexuality, or “transgenderism”.

The results of the investigation by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) into CCODP’s worldwide beneficiaries confirmed these revelations, raising “alarming concerns about dozens of overseas organizations,” declared Cardinal Collins on the website of the archdiocese on April 11, 2018.

“We anticipate,” added the prelate, “a more detailed report on the situation in the coming months. In the interim, we will be withholding our 2018 allocation to CCODP until more information is provided to the CCCB.”