The Cost of Being “Up-to-Date”

Source: District of Canada

The battle of Secular Sex-Ed in Ontario Catholic Schools

The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) was hailed as a necessary aggiornamento – a bringing up-to-date of the fuddy duddy old Catholic Church, an opening of its close-minded traditions to all the splendors and progress of the modern world. Over the past few decades we have reaped the fruits of this modernizing tendency: a Protestanization of the sacraments and the Mass, female altar servers and Eucharistic ministers, ambiguous moral teachings (most recently concerning marriage), an openness towards homosexuality … the list could go on and on. What a brave new Catholic world!

On February 23, Cardinal Collins of Toronto capitulated before a new government-crafted up-to-date form of sexual education. The cardinal specifically stated that state-funded Catholic schools have a “responsibility to teach the curriculum set out by the Ministry of Education.”

The reaction of the Archbishop of Toronto, however, stands in stark contrast to a recent statement of Archbishop Terrence Prendergast of Ottawa. In an interview published in late January, Archbishop Prendergast urged parents and concerned citizens to contact the government in reference to the new sex-ed program: “Tell them your concerns about this seizure of parental authority.”  But when we know that a Catholic organization in the Archdiocese of Toronto has been involved in the development of the program by providing “feedback and advice,” it should come as no surprise that Archbishop Prendergast’s objections did not succeed in preventing the adoption of the new program by the liberal government of Ontario. 

Now, what are the key elements of that new program?  It is pretty scary: the new program will progressively teach third through sixth graders that families with two fathers or two mothers are normal, that gender identity is elective, not prescribed, that homophobia is wrong and that homosexuality should be respected and even embraced, that fertilization occurs through a specific process which will be described in detail, and finally that fornication, contraception and masturbation are acceptable.

Over the next few years, we could expect this sex-ed program within the state-funded Catholic schools to spread from Ontario to the other provinces across Canada. The effects on our youth will be devastating, yet parents are forbidden to pull their children out of these classes. Should we wonder why the Society of St. Pius X adamantly claims that the Church today is in a state of crisis; and that parents should do their best to send their children to true traditional Catholic schools, where they will be taught to love the truth and hate sin?


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