St. Michael's Camp - Retreats in Manitoba

St. Ignatius of Loyola: A war wound ended his military career in 1521—while St. Ignatius recovered—he read the lives of the saints. He converted and wrote his famous "Spiritual Exercises".

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, are a set of Christian meditations, prayers and mental exercises, divided into four thematic 'weeks'. They were composed with the intention of helping the retreatant to discern Jesus in his life, leading him or her to a personal commitment to follow Him. The exercises are now commonly condensed into five days.


St. Michael's Camp, Madge Lake (Saskatchewan / Manitoba Border)

What do I need to bring?

- First of all a spirit of Faith and Confidence in God who can work wonders by His Divine Grace, through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Bring your Rosary too, as a retreat without Our Lady would bear little fruit.

- As for material things, please bring a set of bed sheets for a single bed, towels, soap, personal toiletries, slippers, alarm clock, modest clothing suitable for a religious house [neither blue jeans or shorts, nor T-shirts for men, nor slacks for women] and the book “Spiritual Warfare” if you have one.

Register online today!

Or download and return the attached form today!

Mail to:

Our Lady of the Rosary - Retreats

478 McKenzie St.,

Winnipeg, MB, R2W 5B9

Tel: 204-589-4524

[email protected]

“But, I have no time!” 

If you really want to come, you will find the time. This is a very serious matter: the eternal salvation of your soul.

“But, I am not very educated!” 

That doesn’t matter: like the preaching of Our Lord, the Ignatian Exercises are simple and can be grasped by everybody.

“I’m afraid!”

Fear not, it is Me.” “Even though your sins be as red as scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.”