District Newsletter
The District Newsletter keeps you up to date on the latest news and events around parishes and schools. Read how the District is developing as well as practical and spiritual exhortations from the superior himself.
January 2015 - District Superior's Letter
What have we done and what are we doing with the precious time the Good Lord has given us? Are we wasting it or spending it well to earn Paradise?
March 2014 - District Superior's Letter
In an age of comfort when we have almost everything we desire, self-discipline becomes a difficult thing. We want to achieve great things, but not do the great sacrifices required. Lent is the perfect time to apply ourselves to our daily duties, thus strengthening us for larger sacrifices.
Convictions #31 Jan-Feb 2014: Retreat FAQs
What is a retreat? For what type of person are retreats made? How will I be able to spend a week in silence? What will happen after the retreat? So many questions, answered in this issue. The brilliant preaching legacy of Father Vallet encourages us to follow the counsel he gives us, and Saint Pierre-Julien Eymard in turn stimulates us to throw ourselves without fear into this great adventure. This issue of Convictions has as its goal to recall the importance of spiritual retreats, an essential apostolate of the Society of Saint Pius X.