July 2016 - District Superior's Letter
The SSPX puts the battle to safeguard the faith above the need for a canonical recognition. Good will come out of evil, even the great evil of the present day.
The District Newsletter keeps you up to date on the latest news and events around parishes and schools. Read how the District is developing as well as practical and spiritual exhortations from the superior himself.
The SSPX puts the battle to safeguard the faith above the need for a canonical recognition. Good will come out of evil, even the great evil of the present day.
“Give your Mother children! – Da Matri tuae liberos!” Our Lady has given several prophetic announcements which prophesy a terrible crisis of the priesthood affecting the whole Church and that it will only be overcome by a revival of the priestly ideal.
“Save us, Lord, we are perishing!” (Mt 8:25) Several serious studies by prominent members of the Society of St. Pius X denounce the Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of Love.
Pray the Lord of the harvest… Some very wise suggestions to promote vocations.
"The sanctuary lamp was extinguished…" Our Lady of Good Success fortells the loss of the Sacraments, a bishop who will save the priesthood and that she will dethrone Satan in a marvelous way.